Finding a New Home
Timothy Babula grew up in New Jersey, and later he moved to California. When he was about thirty, he decided to move again.
Timothy Babula grew up in New Jersey, and later he moved to California. When he was about thirty, he decided to move again.
Michele Tracy Berger, Ph.D, is a professor in the Department of Women's and Gender Studies at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She's also a writer and a creativity coach.
Sisters Jackie Jeffers Gant and Betty Jeffers live in Winston-Salem.
Just when you think you've completed everything, WFDD's Real People Real Stories guest commentator Skip Staples says turn the page. Staples is a freelance writer and a storyteller.
StoryLine gives voice to everyday people throughout our community as they share the experiences that shape their lives.
Imagine doing all you can to help someone but still their life is difficult. Richard Groves understands this very well. While leading a Boston congregation, he met Tigerman, who was homeless.