The singer's new song, from her upcoming album Semper Femina, is an immediately arresting mix of spare, fluttering percussion and gospel harmonies with gently strummed acoustic guitars.
Job requirements include: 8 years experience running a highly regarded nation, be a great speaker and have a Nobel Peace Prize. No word yet on whether President Obama would like the position.
Every January, we hear some of the world's tastiest acts at a one-night showcase in Manhattan. From Korean folk songs spun into glam-rock glitter to blazing Cuban brass, this year was no exception.
Ainsworth's eerie, exquisite lullaby is a journey between fantasy and reality. It comes with a video that feels like taking a medley of psychedelics and wandering through the MoMA.
See panoramic views of a trip to the moon in Skunk Bear's latest video. It's a journey that spans David Bowie's long career — and his greatest hits serve as the soundtrack.