Felix Contreras and Jasmine Garsd, the hosts of NPR's Alt.Latino podcast, share three new songs from incredible female artists, ranging from groovy to sultry, to experimental.
Tarica June wrote "But Anyway" in response to quickening change in District. What she didn't expect was the wave of positive feedback — especially from other gentrifying cities across the country.
South African musician and artist Johnny Clegg has traveled the world, but never toured the southern U.S. He's on a North American tour right now, promoting peace and racial healing.
For the two singers, linked as collaborators and friends, 2016 is a year echoing with finality: tributes and memorials for Bowie, a possibly valedictory tour for Pop.
When the Broadway musical's creator said the life of Alexander Hamilton embodied hip-hop, people laughed. Now, he's written a book about the national phenomenon with former critic Jeremy McCarter.
NPR's Scott Simon spent some time with the country legend aboard his tour bus in 2001. Simon remembers a man who'd come a long way since his imprisonment at San Quentin, where he did time for robbery.
The production team behind "Toxic" takes a more cerebral approach with its own music. At South By Southwest, the members spoke with Audie Cornish about the big ideas they smuggle into their songs.