Musicians who are dealing with mental health and substance abuse problems in Austin, Texas, can get help from an organization there that provides reduced cost care --basically whatever the musicians can afford to pay-- from cooperating doctors and therapists.
Bley's long-standing commitment to thoughtful yet intuitive performance proved adaptable to many different settings for nearly seven decades. He was 83.
In 2015, the young rapper had her big moment. This year, she's seizing it. Watch Rapsody perform three songs from Beauty And The Beast, recorded live at the NPR Music offices.
The Mexican musician revisits the creation of the title track from her Grammy-winning album Hasta La Raíz. "I wanted to sing about something that would remind me of Mexico and home," she says.
Carefree attitudes, slightly off-kilter harmonies, imperfect pronunciations, frequent signature changes, normcore attire and incurable grins buoy the jangly pop of the young Spanish band.
A Tribe Called Quest talk about the 25th anniversary remastered release of People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm. This story originally aired on Nov. 13, 2015, on All Things Considered.