Telegram has become a prime tool used by the far right to communicate. But the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov is prompting paranoia over whether it will remain secure and accessible.
Election officials across the country have spent years fighting false claims and conspiracy theories about stolen elections. Now they’re worried that new AI technologies could make the problem worse.
How do you get a cancer patient to a center that provides treatment when the roads are not safe? That's one of the challenges facing Haiti's health-care providers. How are they doing?
The first Black woman appointed to the Supreme Court says Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "The Ladder of Saint Augustine," has been a guiding principle. Jackson's new memoir is Lovely One.
The FBI released new details about the 14-year-old suspect currently in custody after a shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Ga., killed two students and two teachers and injured nine others.
Emhoff, who frequently uses his platform to talk about his Jewish faith and antisemitism, addressed Adas Israel Congregation this week in the wake of the death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin and others.
Cameron Yaste, the commander of a Navy destroyer in the Middle East, has been relieved of duty about four months after he was seen in a photo firing a rifle with a scope mounted backward.
Neighbors told Preeti Pal's parents she'd never marry because she was born with cerebral palsy. She just won two bronzes and is now a hero in India. Oh, and she has no interest in marriage.