
DHS Data Offers Look At How Arrest Pattern Have Changed Under Trump Administration

Fewer people are trying to sneak across the Southwest border, while more undocumented immigrants are being picked up in the interior of the country, according to data released by the Homeland Security Department. It's the most comprehensive data to date on how arrest patterns have changed dramatically under the Trump administration.

ABC News And NBC News Dealing With Turmoil In The Wake Of Unrelated Incidents

Two major network news divisions are addressing problems at the organizations after unrelated incidents. ABC News president James Goldston denounced his own journalists on Monday for a botched story about the federal investigation of President Trump's inner circle. NBC News is facing skepticism from staff as the organization addresses the backlash over the Matt Lauer sexual harassment scandal.

Rep. John Conyers Retires Amid Allegations Of Sexual Assault

The longest serving member of the House is resigning. Democrat John Conyers, 88, has represented Detroit since 1965. He's stepping down amid accusations that he sexually assaulted several aides over the years. He denies the allegations, but announced on Tuesday that he is retiring, effective immediately. At the same time he endorsed his son John Conyers III to succeed him in congress. A special election is required to fill the seat.