
Fox News Allegedly Settled Sexual Harassment Case Against Bill O'Reilly

Fox News has another sexual harassment story on its hands, this one involving Bill O'Reilly, arguably the network's biggest star. O'Reilly was accused of harassing another Fox employee, reporter Juliet Huddy, in 2011. Published reports confirmed by NPR indicate 21st Century Fox paid Huddy a sum "in the high six figures" to drop the matter.

U.S. Intelligence Chiefs Testify Before Senate Panel On Russian Hacking

The heads of the big three intelligence agencies and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee to discuss their finding that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign of cyber-mischief to disrupt the U.S. presidential election. It's the first public appearance by FBI Director James Comey since the election, and the first hearing by the spy czars since they issued their public report about the Russia campaign on Friday.