
This Woman Goes To The Dogs — And Spays Many Of Them

In a community overrun with stray animals, one woman in Macon, Ga., has taken it upon herself to spay every single female dog at her own expense. The stray dog problem is acute in the South and has gotten worse since 2008. Kerri Fickling decided she would never really solve the problem piecemeal; the only solution was to stop overpopulation at the source, and if no one else would do it, she would. Adam Ragusea, of Georgia Public Broadcasting, reports on her quest.

In Vermont, A Network Of Help For Opiate-Addicted Mothers

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin attracted national attention this month when he devoted his entire annual State of the State speech to heroin addiction in Vermont. As the state expands addiction treatment services, it's also trying to come to grips with one of the most difficult and emotional aspects of the problem: pregnant women addicted to opiates.