Lawmakers criticized the Biden administration's handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. They now want to reassert Congress' authority and continue efforts to evacuate Americans and allies.
Accidental gunshot deaths by children handling a gun were higher in March through December 2020 than during that same time in 2019. Researchers think 2021 will be worse.
Presidents' reactions have consistently combined outrage with promises of revenge. The language is remarkably similar. But there has been far less consistency in the delivery of actual retaliation.
The final evacuation flight brought to a close the longest war in U.S. history. The withdrawal leaves the future of Afghanistan in disarray and uncertainty under renewed Taliban rule.
The department sent letters to state leaders in Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah, warning that mask mandate bans could violate federal protections for students with disabilities.
The Democratic-led committee is targeting the communication records of individuals who've been charged with crimes related to the attack, and those who participated in a rally preceding the riot.
U.S. troops destroyed equipment before leaving Afghanistan, ending ending 20 years of military engagement in the country. More than 2,400 troops and tens of thousands of Afghans lost their lives.