Politics & Government

Senate More Than Likely To Keep Obamacare Intact

Congress has just days to avoid a government shutdown when the new fiscal year starts next Tuesday. Standing in the way is a House provision that cuts off all funding for the health care law known as Obamacare. The aim is to cripple that program just when its major provisions are about to kick in. But the Senate is not expected to pass any bill that defunds or delays Obamacare.

House GOP Group Forces Boehner To Choose Sides

A GOP group in the House is behind an effort to defund the Affordable Care Act through the process of keeping the federal government funded. Speaker John Boehner may have to choose whether to stand by them and force a government shutdown, or makes a deal with Democrats to avert it. Steve Inskeep talks to former Ohio Republican Rep. Steve LaTourette for insight into Boehner's dilemma.

High Point University Poll: North Carolinians Don't See Syria as a U.S. Responsibility

President Obama called on U.N. Security Council members Tuesday to approve a resolution that would mandate consequences for Syria if it fails to cooperate with a plan to turn its chemical weapons stockpiles over to the international community. A recent High Point University poll shows that people are wary at this time of costly intervention in Syria whether military or otherwise.