
New Yorkers Remember Anti-War Activist Father Daniel Berrigan

Father Daniel Berrigan was 94 when he died last Saturday. The Jesuit priest came to prominence in 1968 when he and eight others burned hundreds of draft files in protest of the Vietnam War. Berrigan served a prison term for the action and went on to lead countless other demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience.

Religious Freedom Faces 'Serious And Sustained Assault' Around The World

At a time when "religious liberty" has become associated in the U.S. with the right to oppose LGBT protections and same-sex marriage, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom reports on the "serious and sustained assault" on religious people and practices abroad. The organization cites attacks on Muslims in the Central African Republic and Burma to the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and the repression of all religious activity in North Korea.