Is California's severe drought hurting the nutrient content of fruit? No, preliminary data on pomegranates suggest. The fruit may be smaller, but packed with more antioxidants, tests show.
"When I first saw him he had a little bit of eye movement and that was really the only way he could communicate," says Eric Sellers, who helped a patient use a brain-computer interface to communicate.
For starters: Your voice is too squeaky, too loud; it lacks authority, is grating or obnoxious or unprofessional. Why is talking while female such an offense?
Google's Alan Eustace fell from an altitude of more than 135,000 feet, plummeting for some 15 minutes. The jump broke the record of 127,852 feet that Felix Baumgartner set in 2012.
Peter Hubbard is one of 20 volunteers in a human safety test of an experimental Ebola vaccine. He tells NPR's Scott Simon about why he signed up and how he has been feeling.
Wind power is a growing part of the energy mix in the United States. And more wind turbines means there are new jobs for people to install and repair them. The job requires a unique skill set.