
In Upstate New York, Lack Of Snow Creates A Paradise For Nordic Skaters

The lack of snow in upstate New York has created a paradise for skaters — most specifically, Nordic skaters. It is a little-known sport in the U.S., involving long blades designed to speed over rough lakes and rivers. NPR meets some Nordic skaters who cover 30 to 40 miles of wilderness ice in a day.

The Week In Sports

Five months from now, the Olympics open in Brazil. Are the stadiums ready? Are the athletes? NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, who lives in Rio de Janeiro, talks to sport's correspondent, Tom Goldman.

Around The World In One Canoe

The Hokule'a, a Hawaiian double-hulled sailing canoe, arrives back in American waters for the first time since 2014. The canoe relies only on sails for power and the wind and the stars for navigation.