Radio 101 commentator, Nupur Shah, believes the American dream is alive and offers her parents as a prime example. Her parents had the equivalent of twenty dollars when they came to America, and her mother was six months pregnant. Nupur's mom, Shraddha Shah, describes how difficult it was at first. "You feel homesick, plus you have a language barrier. You have to start everything all over. You become like a child."

Her parents quickly learned to adapt by imitating the people around them. Still, they felt the pressure of all their responsibilities. Nupur's father, Pratik Shah, worked three jobs and took classes at the same time during the family's first few months in America.

Nupur's parents continue to work ceaselessly to provide Nupur with a good life. Pratik comments, "Well, we feel a little bit tired now, because we work so, so, so much, but what we have achieved is maybe beyond what we thought that we could have done."

Nupur thinks the American dream is still a possibility, though she knows not every immigrant succeeds. She thinks the odds are more in one's favor here than anywhere else.

When Nupur asks her mother what kept her going during hard times, Shradda answers, "My children. When you are a mother, you try your best for your children."

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