We have an election coming up, and there’s some serious economic policy being lobbed about. We’re starting to see economic policy proposals from both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Some of them are clear, some are hidden behind campaign slogans. This election season could be a jargony slog.

Or… it could be a little more fun than that.

The team at Planet Money decided to turn the economics terms being tossed out during the 2024 presidential campaign into a sort of game. We’re calling it Economic Lingo Bingo! You can play along on the card below.

Get five terms in a row, and you get bingo! Keep playing and you might get a coverall, where all the squares on your card are stamped. Reset your card to shuffle the terms, and you can print it out to play offline. Share with your friends, and play during the debate to make watching a little less painful.


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