
Spud spat

The federal government classifies potatoes (whether they be baked, waffled, curly, fried) as a vegetable.

Recently some nutritional scientists were questioning that logic as the feds updated their dietary guidelines for 2025.

On today's episode, why potatoes have such sway on Capitol Hill and the real financial stakes spuds have in staying a veggie.

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Is the 'border crisis' actually a 'labor market crisis?'

Politicians on both sides of the aisle call the surge at the US Southern Border a "border crisis."

One camp says we need to focus on addressing the conditions in other countries that cause people to leave. The other says we have to focus on deterrence and enforcement.

But...what if both camps are actually ignoring a major piece of the picture? Today on the show, an overlooked cause and potential solution to the situation at our southern border that has nothing to do with the border at all.

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Why Venezuela is no longer in freefall
Welcome to the USA! Now get to work.

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Drop Electric. Find us: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Newsletter.

Common economic myths, debunked

Maybe you've heard these things on social media, in the news, and take them as fact: More than half of the adults in the US live paycheck to paycheck, the trade deficit is always bad, and making the super wealthy pay their fair share will fix everything. Well, the truth isn't so simple. Today on the show: economic mythbusting. We take three factoids about the American economy and run them through the fact checkers.