Funeral arrangements for former Greensboro Mayor and Councilmember Yvonne Johnson have been set for Friday.

Johnson served as the city's first Black mayor from 2007 to 2009. She had most recently served as Mayor Pro Tem on the city council before passing away at the age of 82.

Guilford County Board of Commissioners Chair Skip Alston said Johnson was a passionate community leader focused on bringing people together.

"She didn't care whether or not you was Black or white, Republican or Democrat, rich or poor," he said. "If she could help, she would help."

Alston said she led by example throughout her tenure as an official and taught others how to be a true public servant.

"You never heard her raise her voice, you never seen her get mad with somebody who voted against her issue," he said. "She took it and moved on, and the next problem she worked together with that person to solve an issue within the community."

Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter said Johnson's legacy in the city will be unmatched.

"We all felt loved by Yvonne, and I think that's something I've heard her family say, her friends say, people in the community say; that she really, really cared," Abuzuaiter said.

She said Johnson was an active member of her community that showed up when people needed it.

"I think that's the biggest legacy she can leave all of us – learn to be present in the moment and with the people you love," Abuzuaiter said.

Johnson will be transported by a horse-drawn carriage at 11 a.m. on Saturday to her funeral at Bennett College Chapel.

Family service is at noon followed by the funeral service at 1 p.m. which will be streamed live to the public.

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