The Winston-Salem Transit Authority is eliminating three public bus routes due to low ridership.
At a City Council meeting Monday, officials voted to get rid of routes 99, 100, and 110. Each had less than three boardings per hour, according to 2023 data. Those buses will instead be funneled to more popular routes to improve wait times.
The move was cheered by Council Member Robert Clark.
“The purpose of a city bus is to move people around. So if you got a route that nobody's riding, take the bus from there and put it on the route that people are riding so we can give them greater frequency," said Clark. "I am delighted to see this change.”
The cuts are the result of a comprehensive study of the city’s public transit system first launched in 2020. Officials say they’ll go into effect in early spring.
Other long-term proposals to reduce travel times for riders and increase access to jobs were also outlined in a presentation to the Council.
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