Some health plans in Massachusetts are putting tighter limits on painkiller prescriptions. Others are hiring their own social workers to help customers who struggle with opioid abuse quit for good.
Roughly 2.5 million Americans are addicted to heroin and opioids like Oxycontin. Researchers say addiction takes over the brain's limbic reward system, impairing decision making, judgment and memory.
Maine's governor made some offensive comments about black men, young white women and Maine's drug problem. He says it was a slip, but it may reveal a lot about the way many think about drugs.
The state is the first to get federal permission to use Medicaid funds to pay for residential treatment for people battling addictions. The goal: get people healthy and save on other medical costs.
People still think that abuse of opioid painkillers is something that criminals do, a study of news media coverage finds. Options like expanded access to treatment are rarely mentioned.
Medicines that help users wean themselves from opioid drugs can be prescribed in a doctor's office or clinic. But some clients question whether the clinics always have their best interests at heart.
Women whose children have become addicted to opioids are working to change laws around the country. They seek improved access to treatment and reduced stigma.
Outlawing more than a dozen cannabinoids — chemicals concocted in labs and sprayed on leaves to create this risky street drug — hasn't stopped the problem. Chemists just make new versions.