The Americas

Can Kenyan Police Stabilize Haiti?

The first 400 Kenyan police arrived in Haiti this week, part of a multinational force that will attempt to bring stability back the country. Gangs control most of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. But the Kenyan police arrived in Haiti as the same police force was firing on protesters in Kenya's capital, Nairobi. We hear about what is happening both in Haiti and in Kenya.

The Consequences of Climate Change in Brazil

Brazil is experiencing one of the wettest rainy seasons on record. On Brazil's southern coast, five months of rain fell in 15 days. Flooding lead to over a hundred deaths and over 400,000 people displaced. With more extreme weather expected due to climate change, officials in Brazil are considering relocating whole towns, adding to a growing global phenomenon of people becoming "climate refugees". Carrie Kahn introduces us to some of them in southern Brazil.

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