After matadors kill bulls, restaurants and butcher shops will sell the meat during bullfighting festivals. One Madrid restaurant sells it all year long, despite opposition from animal rights groups.
The Vegas grasshopper swarm was so huge it showed up on weather radar. The insects are attracted to ultraviolet light, so the Best Western Plus Casino Royale shut off its lights to avoid them.
The decline of Earth's insect population may have serious consequences for humans, says scientist Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson. Insects are the world's janitors, as well as pollinators and a food source.
The dog was trained by John Pilley, who died last year, to understand more than a thousand nouns. A portion of a street in Spartanburg, S.C., will be named Chaser the Border Collie Boulevard.
By breeding and migrating earlier, some birds are adapting to climate change. But it's probably not happening fast enough for some species to survive, according to new research.