
Penguins Are Depressed By Lack Of Sun

It's been a dreary winter but penguins should be used to it, right? Not the Humboldt penguins at the Sea Life Center in Britain. They are natives of coastal South America — far from the U.K.'s unrelenting wind and rain. They're feeling so blue that zoo staff had to prescribe antidepressants.

Profiting From Rhinos, Far From Their Habitat

According to Bloomberg Businessweek, Rhinoceros horns now sell for more on the black market than cocaine or heroin. Demand from Southeast Asian consumers is primarily to blame. In order to cash in, thieves have begun targeting a different kind of rhino habitat: museums. NPR's Arun Rath speaks with journalist Adam Higginbotham about the so-called "Rathkeale Rovers," a gang suspected of several thefts.