Around the Nation

Couple Ditches Their Own Wedding To Help Irma Response

Lauren Durham and Michael Davis had wedding plans, but had to ditch them when they got deployed to help with Hurricane Irma. They are both in the Air National Guard; they married in a hangar instead.

A Good Reason To Not Propose On A Bridge

Seth Dixon proposed to his girlfriend on a bridge in Kansas City. But he dropped the ring into the water. Friends dove in but never found it. A photographer wrote that they left with memories.

Irma Spotlights Dangers Of Construction Cranes

At least three construction tower cranes in South Florida were left dangling after Hurricane Irma. It's reviving a long-running debate in Miami about how to balance economic development and safety.

Surveying The Damage In Key West

Key West City Manager Jim Scholl stayed behind as Hurricane Irma tore through Key West. He tells David Greene about his experience and where the recovery effort stands.