In Harrison, Ark., residents troubled by the area's reputation as a hate group hotbed are working hard to make the town more inclusive. White supremacists say the effort amounts to "white genocide."
The Securities and Exchange Commission is poised to let small businesses get financed by the masses. Investing in startups is risky, though. Meanwhile, critics are wary of regulation.
A truck driver in Idaho was hauling sand to a golf course when the GPS led him onto a one-lane dirt road in the forest. He couldn't turn around and the rig eventually rolled over.
Republican governors across the country have taken a stand against Obamacare by refusing to expand Medicaid. Utah, one of the reddest states in the nation, remains undecided.
Drone developers in upstate New York and other regions are striving to be named official testing sites for drones as the FAA creates regulations for their use.
Senior editor Zach Seward and the all digital publication Quartz are launching a smaller site called Glass. It may offer hints about ways reporters will share information in the future.
Reliable data on federal education programs and job placement for veterans are scarce, so it can be hard to know whether service members are getting the support they need to pursue careers they want.