Around the Nation

Colorado Restaurant Has A Furry New Regular

Security video taken early Wednesday at the Edelweiss Restaurant in Colorado Springs shows a 6-foot-tall bear standing on its hind legs, pulling a dumpster out of view. The bear dragged it 50 feet into the parking lot, turned it over and went to town on German leftovers. It must have been good because the next day, the bear came back for more.

D.C. Subway Baby Born At 'The Child' Station

Shavonnte Taylor was riding the subway in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, headed to a prenatal doctor's appointment — a few weeks before her due date. She was changing trains when contractions started. Fellow riders — including an EMT — sprang into action. And in a few minutes, right there on the platform, a healthy boy was born, appropriately at a station called L'Enfant (French for "The Child") Plaza.