
'Miranda In Milan:' No Woman Is An Island

Katharine Duckett's new novel picks up where Shakespeare's Tempest left off, following sorceror's daughter Miranda to her new life as a court lady — a life which proves darker than she'd hoped.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti's Wit Is Afire In 'Little Boy'

As he approaches his 100th birthday, the legendary Beat poet and publisher has a new book. Billed as his "literary last will and testament," Little Boy is part memoir, part rambling free-association.

'The True Queen' Casts A Pleasant Spell

Zen Cho's followup to her Regency fantasy of manners Sorceror to the Crown builds solidly on the world she's invented, mixing historical froth with real substance.

A Summer Of Second Chances In 'Small Town Hearts'

Lillie Vale's new young adult novel follows Babe Vogel, who's perfectly happy in her small town life, even though her friends have mostly moved on — until a "summer boy" arrives to complicate things.