The absolute risk is very low. But low-dose formulations of birth control pills and other hormone-releasing contraceptives pose about the same risk to breasts as older formulations, a big study finds.
Unnecessary treatment of breast cancer and other diseases is pervasive. Overtreatment adds enormous costs to the health care system and, at times, burdens patients with needless suffering.
There are lots of "you can beat it" messages out there for cancer patients. For some, the positive spin feels insulting. The Food and Drug Administration doesn't regulate hospital ads.
Nicole O'Hara was 29 when she had a double mastectomy after a cancer diagnosis. She chose to cover the scars with a tattoo that blooms like her garden, with apple blossoms, bluebells and heather.
Researchers say the test, which measures gene activity, can help avoid "overtreating" tumors that are not life-threatening. It might allow some patients to avoid radiation and chemotherapy.
Updated guidelines on mammograms from the nation's gynecologists are intended to incorporate recommendations from three other medical societies and consider women's preferences, too.
For 40 years, people have been able to call a service funded by the National Cancer Institute to get information about cancer treatments. Doctors say it's still useful even in the age of Twitter.