
12 Days Of Tax Deductions

Over the next 12 days, Morning Edition will take a closer look at the biggest federal tax deductions: how they came about, who benefits and how they might be affected by "fiscal cliff" negotiations. We begin with the casualty loss deduction.

Will U.S.-Made Mac Computers Start A Trend?

Apple's CEO Tim Cook made news by announcing the company will start manufacturing a line of Mac computers in the U.S. But Cook, like Steve Jobs before him, says the main reason Apple produces most of its products overseas isn't about price. It's about a lack of skilled workers in the U.S.

Not Just Patriotic, U.S. Manufacturing May Be Smart

The incentives are stacking up in favor of making things at home. As General Electric discovered in its Appliance Park in Louisville, Ky., big things can happen when marketers and designers talk to assembly line operators. Collaboration is one piece of how U.S. factories are becoming more efficient — and enticing.