Every time you swipe a credit card, you produce data. Now, a new tool could help the financial industry use that data to identify suspicious gun purchases. But will they want to use it?
Inflation and fears of a recession are dominating headlines in the U.S., and a series of global crises means that the economic outlook is even more precarious in some other parts of the world.
Workplaces have generally become more accommodating for people with disabilities in the last five years, according to a new survey. But some disability rights activists say challenges persist.
The revolving door at No. 10 Downing Street keeps turning. Steve Bannon faces sentencing for defying the Jan. 6 committee's subpoena. Interest rates throw cold water on the once-hot housing market.
The U.S. Mint will begin shipping quarters featuring actress Anna May Wong on Monday. Wong championed the need for more representation and less stereotypical roles for Asian Americans on screen.
Professional networking, whether in person or online, is tough for a lot of people. NPR's Life Kit has tips to embrace the power to schmooze. (Story aired on All Things Considered on Oct. 15, 2022.)