For years in prison, Kristan Kerr looked forward to one thing every month: a visit from her daughter. "I just watched her grow all the way up," she says.
More than 10 states are considering tightening their vaccine laws in response to what health officials say is the worst year for measles in 25 years. The bills are spurring passionate opposition.
Behavior and environment are big factors in a surge in obesity. Scientists are busy trying to identify the many genes that play a role in weight gain to develop a predictive obesity test.
A dengue vaccine put thousands of kids at risk for a deadly condition. Some scientists say the manufacturer and health officials did too little to warn parents in the Philippines.
The average deductible for employer-sponsored health insurance has quadrupled in the last 12 years. A Los Angeles Times investigation finds even insured workers are going without needed medical care.
The World Health Organization tallied over 112,000 measles cases in the first quarter of 2019 — up more than 300% compared with the same period in 2018.
Vaccination eliminated measles from the U.S. nearly 20 years ago. But with this year's record-setting outbreak, are we close to measles making a sustained comeback?
Boys ages 10-17 killed themselves at a much higher rate in the month after Netflix's show about suicide was released in 2017. Researchers attribute an extra 195 deaths that year to the series.
With U.S. measles cases at record highs, doctors say adults who got vaccinated prior to 1968 should consider getting revaccinated to make sure they and their neighbors are protected.