Distinguished scholar of Christianity Elaine Pagels sets out to explain why religion is still around today, through the lens of her lived tragedies — the deaths of her son and husband 30 years ago.
"We don't understand all the mysteries of science, we don't know all the mysteries of creation, but we know that they're one and together," a participant said.
Religion scholar Bart Ehrman says that the early spread of Christianity transformed the entire history of the West — for better or worse. His new book is The Triumph Of Christianity.
A Christian congregation outside Jakarta built a new church legally, but Muslims in the area object to it. In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled to allow worship at the church, but it remains sealed.
The senator challenged a Trump nominee over his belief that Muslims are condemned, calling his statements "Islamophobic" and "inflammatory." Evangelical Christians say that's a troubling argument.
Judas, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, is the archvillain of Easter week (though he has his defenders). He also has an intriguing range of food and drink named after him — from cake to bread to beer.
Toby Morrell and Mike McHargue are among a seemingly growing trend of ex-pastors, musicians and authors who are bucking Christian theology through podcasts.
The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is more than 1,500 years old and in the midst of a large restoration project, cleaning grime off mosaics and giving the church its first face-lift in centuries.
As the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 Theses approaches, an exhibit shows how Luther's treatise against the Catholic Church spread, before the advent of modern communications.