Chronic Wasting Disease, a deadly neurological disorder similar to Mad Cow, has been detected in 24 states. So far it has posed no risk to people, but a new Canadian study has prompted more testing.
In an effort to save irreplaceable varieties from disease and other threats, plant cuttings are being "cryopreserved" — plunged into liquid nitrogen for later revival.
When it comes to talking about infectious diseases, researchers have their own special jargon. But even they aren't always 100 percent sure of the definitions.
It causes melioidosis, whose yearly death toll of 90,000 is about the same as for measles. But the disease hasn't been on the global health radar — until now.
"Systemic exertion intolerance disease" might not fall trippingly off the tongue, but an Institute of Medicine panel says it better matches the symptoms. The disease, it says, is real.
A new report looks at the top causes of death in 188 countries. Infectious diseases are less of a threat than in 1990 — but please, look both ways before you cross the street.