Even As Dairy Industry Booms, There Are Fewer And Fewer Farms

In the past decade, half of the dairy farms in the U.S. have gone out of business, but thanks to technological advances and selective breeding, the dairy industry is more efficient than ever. It produces 20 percent more milk than it did ten years ago. Harvest Public Media's Abbie Fentress Swanson reports that economists are even predicting that U.S. farmers will export an unprecedented amount of dairy products this year. Still, this ramped-up production has made it difficult for smaller operations to compete.

Days Of Turmoil Test Stability Of Emerging Markets

Financial markets around the world are enjoying a day of relative calm after a flare-up in emerging markets. India hiked interest rates and Turkey's central bank is considering doing the same thing as both countries search for ways to limit the fallout. Many emerging markets have made changes that make them less vulnerable to volatility.

Taking Stock Of The Northern Plains Oil Boom

Beginning next week, NPR News will be taking an in-depth look at the unprecedented oil drilling boom happening on the Northern Plains, where the state of North Dakota has fast become one of the nation's most productive drilling regions. NPR's Kelly McEvers talks with NPR reporter Kirk Siegler, back from a recent reporting trip in North Dakota for the series.