The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is removing federal protections for gray wolves in the contiguous U.S., saying the species' recovery is a success. Wildlife groups are promising to sue.
Some of the first GMOs – corn and cotton plants that have been genetically modified to fend off insects – are running into problems. Bugs have become resistant to them because they've been overused.
Wyoming is quietly supporting action elsewhere to preserve its coal-dependent economy. Experts on money in politics say they've never seen this before and find it troubling.
A power company has turned off the electricity in parts of Northern California to prevent equipment from sparking wildfires. Residents are getting used to life without power during fire season.
Experts agree the Western U.S. needs to increase intentional burns to head off more catastrophic wildfire seasons. But economic, cultural and institutional barriers are in the way.
The way the government tracks recessions is largely the same as it was 70 years ago. A research group is working to change that and is revealing a lot about the lopsided recovery along the way.
Strong wind gusts are battering the region, spreading wildfires across Southern California. Officials said the wounded firefighters suffered second- and third-degree burns in the Silverado Fire.