
Man Fined In Austria For Loud Belch

The man in Vienna was fined 77 euros for violating "public decency with a loud belch next to a police officer." The man says the burp happened because there were too many onions on his kebab.

French Court Postpones Demolition Of Sprawling Refugee Camp In Calais

A court has ordered the demolition of the southern section of "The Jungle," a sprawling camp of migrants trying to settle in Europe. The massive tide of people flowing to Europe from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere has fueled an explosive growth in the camp at Calais, France, putting pressure on the region.

British Pound Plummets As London Mayor Supports Exit From EU

Prime Minister David Cameron renegotiated Britain's terms of membership to the European Union. A referendum is set for June on whether the United Kingdom should stay or leave the EU under the new terms. London Mayor Boris Johnson came out in support of the separation. NPR's Robert Siegel speaks with John Curtice, professor of politics at the University of Strathclyde, about the views from within the country.