
5 Killed In Church Shooting In Russia's Dagestan

The gunman opened fire at the Orthodox church as parishioners were leaving after Sunday service. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack in the restive Muslim-majority region.

U.K. Steps Up Its Wine Game

British wines used to be a bad joke. Now a warming climate and greater expertise have created conditions for an award-winning product.

Tillerson Tries To Ease Tension With Turkey

The U.S. and Turkey differ over Syria. The U.S. supports and arms Kurdish fighters in northern Syria, seeing them as key allies against ISIS. Turkey considers them terrorists.

Tillerson Tries To Mend Relations In Turkey

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for more than three hours on Thursday. Recent relations between the U.S. and Turkey have become more strained.