A young poet and writer who lost his father to opioid addiction says there's nothing cool about what the drugs did to his dad. So why are peers trying to look like emaciated people with addiction?
We start to lose muscle in our 30s, and the loss accelerates with age, putting us at risk of frailty later in life. But what you eat — specifically how much protein — is a big part of the solution.
In "To Kill a Tiger," director Nisha Pahuja follows the case of a girl who is gang-raped in her Indian village. The villagers say she should marry one of the rapists.
Sohaib Sultan, a Muslim Chaplain at Princeton University, had terminal cancer when he recorded a message, along with his wife, for his three-year-old daughter. He died shortly after the recording.
Families will play an essential role in getting students back on track, researchers say. But it's going to take a "culture" shift around the importance of being in school.
Kids who have dogs get significantly more physical activity, compared to kids who don't. Researchers followed 600 children over three years, and found young girls got the biggest exercise boost.