Abortion is already heavily restricted in Missouri, but now the state is cutting more funding to organizations that provide abortions, even though it means rejecting millions of dollars from the feds.
A goal for many Republicans is to cut federal funding for health services at Planned Parenthood and divert those funds to public health centers. How ready are those centers to pick up that work?
The new president has reinstated the "Mexico City" policy first instituted by Ronald Reagan in 1984. And this version is even broader than previous ones.
A report by the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that backs legalized abortion, puts the 2014 rate at 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age — the lowest recorded rate since 1973.
A law in the Philippines mandates universal access to contraception, but the Supreme Court and the Catholic Church have fought its implementation. President Rodrigo Duterte is pushing back.
The organization is going door to door in some of the city's poorest neighborhoods. The goal: Reach 25,000 households in six weeks with information about Zika prevention and family planning services.
About 40 years ago, Consuelo Hermosillo went to the hospital for an emergency cesarean section. Against her will, she left unable to have more children. No Más Bebés airs tonight on PBS.
When Texas passed laws designed to shut down Planned Parenthood clinics, it slashed the state's family planning budget. Of the 82 clinics that closed, only a third were Planned Parenthood.