
What To Do With Your Leftover Thanksgiving Stuffing

In an interview earlier this week, Deb Perelman — the food blogger behind Smitten Kitchen — suggested frying leftover Thanksgiving stuffing in a waffle iron. We had no choice but to try it out for ourselves.

Walmart And Amazon's Food Fight

Amazon and Walmart each want to sell you groceries as part of their plan to sell everyone everything. So now Walmart is inventing new kinds of foods to lure customers into the store.

Trump Uses Pardoning Power Without Ruffling Feathers

Since 1989 the U.S. president has pardoned a turkey before Thanksgiving. On Tuesday, President Trump pardoned Wishbone and Drumstick, sparing them from being part of the family dinner. He also used it as a chance to address his reversal of some of former-President Obama's executive orders.