Past administrations have had favored press members, says New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer, "but nothing where someone is so close in that they are coordinating on a daily basis with the president."
The president refused to admit any culpability in the results, but in a rare move, he acknowledged he made a mistake in not visiting Arlington Cemetery on Veterans Day.
A pair of lawsuits against Fox News had been inspired by the events leading up to a discredited story over the killing of a young Democratic Party aide. The story had to be retracted.
Vanity Fair's Gabriel Sherman says the president and Fox News host Sean Hannity "speak almost daily, after Hannity's show, sometimes before, and sometimes for up to an hour a day."
Krauthammer is a columnist for The Washington Post, and commentator on Fox News. He has been fighting an aggressive form of cancer, and says his long fight against the disease "is over."
"You have to stand, proudly, for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing," Trump told Fox News, "you shouldn't be there, maybe you shouldn't be in the country."
Neil Cavuto is something of a rarity at Fox: a civil presence and a critic of the president. He also hosts 17 hours live every week despite health issues so severe he can hardly read a teleprompter.