In this word game, contestants must identify a common two-word phrase, then move the first letter of the second word to the end of the first word to form a completely new phrase.
Finally, a game that combines the glitz of bromocriptine with the glamour of phosphocreatine! We rewrote Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" to be about other things that end with "teen."
Allan Simmons has been accused of cheating in a professional Scrabble Championship in June. The former British Scrabble champion has now been banned from professional competition after he was found to have peeked at the tiles he was drawing.
The man who set an American record by spending nearly a year aboard the International Space Station faces three questions about the International House of Pancakes.
Garlin and Cardellini put their dramatic acting chops to the test with a quiz based on the iconic Sunset Boulevard line, "All right, Mr. DeMille. I'm ready for my close-up."
We cashed in on some kids' show syndication money with this quiz, in which our celebri-testants must decide whether descriptions of children's TV shows are real or fake.