Both Latin American and homegrown telenovelas are booming in East Africa. It's a trend that reveals kinship between long-suffering countries an ocean apart.
A lot of them smoke, though percentages vary widely from country to country for various reasons. When cigarettes sell for 10 cents each, that's definitely a boost for smoking.
Michael Bloomberg and Dr. Kelly Henning talk to NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro about how the fight against noncommunicable diseases may be complicated by the president's plan to cut global health spending.
A group of 18 prostitutes and 17 unemployed women in Sierra Leone were trained to drive motorcycle taxis. The money was great. But now there's a big catch.
George Mwinnyaa didn't get high enough scores for admission in his homeland. So he put his dreams on hold. Here's how he came to earn his diploma at Johns Hopkins University.
Concern usually focuses on soldiers and other armed personnel. But a survey of nearly 1,300 girls in sub-Saharan Africa revealed a different perspective.
It wasn't that long ago. Just last fall. Nearly 45,000 people signed a petition in protest. Then again, the Amazon warrior has always been a controversial figure.