In 2016, the out-of-pocket spending limit for anyone in an insured family would be set at $6,850. Employers say that would be a costly change for plans that set caps based on total family spending.
The past 15 years have seen a drop in deaths and hospitalizations among Medicare patients — people 65 and older. Teasing out why is tricky, but it seems a good trend for the 50-year-old program.
More than a hundred influential doctors banded together to propose seven ways to bring down the high prices of cancer drugs. They say changes are needed to preserve access to care.
Up to half of all results from biomedical research laboratories these days can't be replicated by other science teams. Why not? Myriad flubs slow progress in the hunt for cures.
Prices for common medical procedures vary widely, and it can be really hard to find out the true cost up front. This crowdsourcing project aims to help draw back the curtain on colonoscopy costs.
Some companies are refusing to pay employee hospital bills that they think are out of line. Instead, they pay what they think is reasonable. So far the gambit appears to be working.
Federal officials released prescription histories of hundreds of thousands of doctors and identified the most common and costly drugs. Medicare spent the most on a purple pill for heartburn.
Federal authorities are investigating claims that some Medicare Advantage health plans have overcharged the government for years by claiming that patients are sicker than they are.