Neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor his opponents appear to have a secure path to forming a majority coalition. The scales could tip as more votes are counted in the coming days.
About a year ago the country's domestic intelligence agency began monitoring Israelis' movements through cellular phone location data, leading critics to say it was spying on its own citizens.
An outgoing high official told NPR that Israel has a public health imperative to protect all Palestinians from COVID-19, plus a humanitarian obligation.
The prize committee said Dr. Anthony Fauci, long-time head of the United States' leading infectious diseases research institute, "is the consummate model of leadership and impact in public health."
Israel paid a premium, locked in an early supply of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines and agreed to share data from Israel's centralized trove of medical statistics. Privacy advocates have some misgivings.
President Biden's Iran policy is significantly different from that of his predecessor. But there are some things started by former President Donald Trump that Biden plans to build on.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel's United Arab Emirates peace deal sets a precedent: Israel need not cede captured land to the Palestinians in order to win friends in the Arab world.
Leaders, former officials and citizens voiced optimism with the dawn of the new U.S. administration. China's state news agency tweeted: "Good Riddance, Donald Trump!"