The coronavirus has claimed the lives of more than 1,000 health care workers in Mexico, making it one of the most dangerous countries in the world for doctors and nurses to fight the coronavirus.
"The damage of this kind of diet is even more visible because of the pandemic," says a Oaxaca legislator who spearheaded a law against the sale of junk food and soda to minors. The idea is spreading.
Mauricio Claver-Carone is the first U.S. citizen to be nominated to lead the region's premier development funder, which provides $12 billion a year for projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Rieli Franciscato was a leading expert on uncontacted tribes and was killed while on a mission to shield an isolated indigenous group from a possible hostile encounter with outsiders.
Peru's per capita COVID-19 death rate is higher than any nation's except for tiny San Marino. The government's awareness campaign slogan is "COVID does not kill by itself. Let's not be accomplices."
In Mexico, state governments are outlawing the sale of junk food to minors because high rates of obesity and diabetes have led to increased deaths from COVID-19.