
Louisville TV Station Promises Not To Hype Breaking News

Sick of the hype that desperate local TV news programs use to try to draw viewers, a station in Louisville, Kentucky, is making a bold promise: If news isn't breaking at that moment, the station won't call it breaking news. It is part of a new compact with viewers and advertisers not to hype the news.

Sushi Chef Was Confidant To North Korea's Kim Jong Il

Little is known about the men who have led North Korea. But one person with great insights into Kim Jong Il and his successor Kim Jong Un is a Japanese sushi chef. He provided Kim Jong Il both sushi and loyalty for many years. Renee Montagne talks to novelist Adam Johnson about his encounter with the chef, which he writes about in the latest issue of GQ magazine.

Tragic Result: Sniper Tries To Help Troubled Veteran

Chris Kyle was one of the deadliest American military snipers in history. In February, the former Navy SEAL was shot and killed — not on the battlefield, but on the homefront at the hands of a fellow veteran. David Greene talks to Nicholas Schmidle, who reports in the latest issue of The New Yorker magazine how these two men and their invisible scars of war intersected tragically.