One couple sped up their wedding plans because of concern over how a GOP health plan might affect them. The bride had bad experiences in getting health insurance before Obamacare.
Scientists hunting cures for cancer hope to find therapies with fewer side effects. But there's also new evidence that old-style chemotherapy sometimes helps gentler treatments work better.
Prenatal care costs more than $10,000 on average. Dr. Leana Wen wonders what choices she would make if she didn't have health insurance to cover that, and how those choices would affect her baby.
Gottlieb is seen as a mainstream pick for an agency that oversees a quarter of the U.S. economy, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, food, cosmetics and other areas of human and animal health.
An international consortium of researchers has synthesized about a third of the genetic code of baker's yeast. It's an important milestone in science's quest to create complex "synthetic life."
Two congressmen met with President Trump seeking support for a bill to expand the government's ability to negotiate drug prices. But it's not clear it would have much impact or will gain support.
A goal for many Republicans is to cut federal funding for health services at Planned Parenthood and divert those funds to public health centers. How ready are those centers to pick up that work?
There's not enough good evidence to make the call as to whether an annual pelvic exam is a good screening tool, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says.
Amid an uproar over soaring drug prices, three GOP senators are seeking an investigation into whether the Orphan Drug Act is being manipulated to jack up the cost of medications for rare diseases.
Medical breakthroughs that were covered by newspapers were often later disproved by more comprehensive research, a study finds. That's a problem for scientists and journalists.