Less manual labor may be why today's young adults have weaker grips than their counterparts did 30 years ago. The change augurs limper handshakes and fewer opened jars for 20-somethings.
Although 84 percent of teenage boys and young men said they believed avoiding a partner's pregnancy was important, only 42 percent had heard of emergency contraception, researchers in Colorado found.
A man's testosterone level drops as he ages, but boosting it with supplements has been controversial. The first year of data from a big study now suggests a modest boost in libido for some men.
Chances are that you know someone with the virus. But many people don't talk about it. Some say opening up about their herpes status helped them move on.
A decrease in PSA testing came after a controversial recommendation against routine screening. As a result, many fewer cases of the most common cancer to hit men are being diagnosed, research finds.
We're not talking steroids here; we're talking about the stuff you can buy at the supermarket. They're not dangerous in themselves. But overuse can signal emotional or physical problems.
Aydian Dowling is leading the popular vote by a landslide in themagazine's annual "Ultimate Guy" contest. If he wins the judges' round, he'd be the first trans man ever on the magazine's cover.
The agency says the labels for testosterone drugs must state they aren't approved to fight aging and may increase the risk for heart attacks and strokes.
Young couples would prefer to share responsibilities equally at work and at home, a study finds. But they realize that workplace policies and child care can make that a tough go in real life.
A broken wrist may not seem like much, but it can be the first sign that you're headed for a broken hip or spinal fracture. Men often don't realize they are at risk of osteoporosis as they age.