Middle East

U.S. Raid Killed Yemeni Civilians, Villagers Say

Yemeni civilians say they were the victims of a U.S. special forces raid that was aimed at al-Qaida militants. The U.S. military says their stories will prompt a reassessment of the strike.

Syria Says U.S. Forces Should Leave As Contractors, Diplomats Prepare To Arrive

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says contractors and diplomats will be sent to Eastern Syria to help stabilize the country. They will be protected by American troops already there. Mattis says that besides rebuilding, the increased American presence will make sure diplomatic efforts continue for the future of Syria. Both Russia and Syria have said U.S. forces should leave.

2017 Marks Turbulent Year For U.S.-Turkey Relations

The United States and Turkey have long been allies, with Turkey being a critical U.S. ally in the fight against ISIS. But 2017 was one of the most turbulent years in memory for relations between the two countries.