Middle East

Jihad Rehab Program To Get Second Participant

A young man from Minnesota, arrested for planning to help ISIS, is likely to be the second man in an emerging de-radicalization program. It could help him get his life back on track.

The Precarious Existence Of Iran's Sunni Muslims

Shiite-majority Iran is home to millions of Sunnis, including the Sunni imam who opened his door to NPR's Steve Inskeep in Tehran. "We live together nicely," he insists. But he must speak with care.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter Convenes Anti-ISIS Coalition Partners In Brussels

Defense Secretary Ash Carter is convening his counterparts from more than two dozen anti-ISIS coalition partners in Brussels on Thursday. Carter aims to goad them into stepping up their contributions to the war on ISIS. But the meeting coincides with what Sunni Arab partners consider a far greater threat in Syria: a Russian-Iranian-Assad offensive on the verge of recapturing Aleppo from rebels.